Offering online alternatives in times of social distancing
We want to bring hydrogen education to schools. But with schools closed due to the pandemic, we had to adapt: we made hydrogen education available from home.
At the end of May, the FCHgo Consortium launched a live event via YouTube. Federico Corni from the University of Bolzano, Tiziana Altiero from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and Barbara Grazzini from InEuropa srl presented the project, explained the importance of hydrogen education and showed experiments to illustrate energy transformation.
If you are curious on what they had to say and show, you are lucky. The live event got recorded and translated, so everyone can watch it.
FCHgo! Talks – Interviews with stakeholders and actors of the hydrogen ecosystem
If you like it and you want to watch more FCHgo! content check out our playlist of stakeholder videos. The interviews were conducted by our Italian partner InEuropa with key stakeholders and actors of the Italian hydrogen-ecosystem. Thus they are in Italian but don’t worry, if you do not speak Italian. We translated the interviews to English and you can read them on our website.