FCHgo! Public Reports
First version of the educational materials
Report on final educational materials
First report on the educational outcome and set of awareness / efficacy indicators
Report with general recommendations for educational activities in school at EU level
FCHgo! Talks
FCHgo! partner InEuropa spoke with stakeholders and experts in the hydrogen community. If you want to know more about hydrogen its current uses and future potential, check out the interviews.
Links to FCH JU and other European Hydrogen and Education Projects
Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) – www.fch.europa.eu
HySchools – www.hyschools.eu
NET-Tools – www.h2fc-net.eu
KnoWhy – https://knowhy.eu/
TeacHy – www.teachy.eu
FCH2EDU – https://fch2edu.eu/
FCHgo! Newsletter
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Press Releases
FCHgo! Press Release I – 04/2019
FCHgo! Discover the energy of hydrogen
The EU project FCHgo brings energy to European classrooms by supporting hydrogen and fuel cells education in schools
FCHgo! Press Release II – 02/2020
FCHgo! launches international school contest on fuel cells and hydrogen
World of the future: the best FCH application
FCHgo! Press Release III – 02/2020
EU project FCHgo presents new toolkit for conveying the relevance of hydrogen and fuel cells to pupils
FCHgo! Pressemitteilung I – 04/2019
FCHgo! Entdecke die Energie des Wasserstoffs
Das EU Projekt FCHgo bringt Energie in europäische Klassenzimmer und unterstützt die Vermittlung von Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzelle an Schulen
FCHgo! Pressemitteilung II – 02/2020
FCHgo! startet internationalen Schulwettbewerb zu Brennstoffzellen und Wasserstoff
FCHgo! Pressemitteilung III – 02/2020
Das EU-Projekt FCHgo präsentiert neue Lehrmaterialien für die spielerische Vermittlung von Energie, Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzelle an Schulen
FCHgo! Informacja Prasowa III – 02/2020
Unijny projekt FCHgo oferuje nowy zestaw narzędzi do nauczania w szkołach o znaczeniu wodoru i ogniw paliwowych
FCHgo! Pressemeddelelse III – 02/2020
EU-projekt FCHgo præsenterer nyt værktøjssæt til at formidle brint og brændselsceller til elever