Open your classroom for FCHgo
Are you a teacher or school principle interested to bring energy to your classrooms with the help of FCHgo?
FCHgo invites school education stakeholders ready to forge new paths in energy education to participate in the project’s classroom activities.
Prepare your pupils for the FCHgo award challenge
The FCHgo award is a unique opportunity for teachers from all over the world to inspire their pupils to explore science, technology, engineering and mathematics in a hands-on and interactive way. Under the headline ‘World of the future: the best FCH application’ the international contest encourages pupils to develop their own hydrogen project, together in teams and with help of their teachers. The challenge is to create a future H2 application that will transform our daily-lives. Creative forms of documentation such as drawings, photo stories, collages, short video clips or else are sought in the contest.
Teachers are called to promote the FCHgo award and help interested pupils to participate in the contest, from putting together a team, developing first ideas and designing prototypes, to implementing, documenting and submitting their project.
Guidelines and instructions for FCHgo award participation are available here.
Use the FCHgo teaching materials to deliver inspiring lessons about energy, hydrogen and climate change
FCHgo developed an educational model for teaching fuel cells and hydrogen in schools. Using metaphor, narrative and game the FCHgo Toolkit materials foster understanding of basic energy principles, even among the youngest pupils of primary school, inviting them to explore hydrogen energy in a playful way.
Older pupils learn from PowerPoint presentations and experiments about fuel cells and hydrogen technology, but also about the reasons behind climate change and why switching to fossil-free energy resources is paramount for the future of our planet.
The materials come along with detailed guidelines and lesson plans for the different age groups of primary and secondary school.
For implementing the FCHgo Toolkit in class, preliminary knowledge of FCH technology or physics/chemistry is not needed!
The FCHgo introduction to Fuel Cells and Hydrogen technology describes in simple terms and with lots of illustration all you need to understand and know to teach the subject.
You can download a first version of the toolkit materials from the FCHgo Toolkit page
By engaging in one of the mentioned ways with FCHgo you can become an official associated stakeholder of the European Union/FCH JU financed project.