FCHgo at Home Materials
FCHgo invites pupils, their teachers and families to explore the ‘energy of hydrogen’ even from at home! The FCHgo Toolkit, a collection of educational materials for learning about energy, fuel cells and hydrogen, proposes many fun activities that are not limited to a classroom setting.
We selected a number of materials, which are particularly easy to use at home. Just browse the list below! Most activities are apt for all pupils 8 years and older, but some are recommended only for a certain age and level of education.
The FCHgo Toolkit materials pursue a storytelling approach, explaining scientific principles in simple words, using metaphors and illustrations. The worksheets and experiments are accompanied by simple in-depth guides and can be done autonomously (or with the support of teachers, parents, older siblings).
CLASSES 3-5 (AGE 8-11)

1. The Apple Story
What it is: A simple illustrated story about the use and transformation of energy in an apple tree. A small girl experiences the magic transformation of blossom to fruit by observing how the tree uses water, air, and sunlight to let apples grow.
How it works at Home: Parents read the story to their child(ren) and discuss the content together. Older students read the story themselves. With help of the story pupils understand the analogy between energy transmissions from tree to human body via apples and from tank to motion in a car via fuel.
Key data: The story is 10 pages long and comes with instructions for teachers/parents. For telling and discussing the story at home about 0,5-1 hours are needed.
Download the Apple Story in English, German, Italian, Polish, Danish, French, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Turkish
Download the Apple Story Analysis guide for teachers/parents in English, German, Italian, Danish, Polish, French, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Turkish

2. The Perpetuum Mobile movie
What it is: A short, animated movie telling the story of an inventor trying to create a perpetuum mobile consisting of solar cells, pumps, water wheel, and generator. Imaginative ‘spirits’ – funny looking figures – represent forces of nature carrying energy from interaction to interaction. The movie was developed by artist Marion Deichmann and is used within FCHgo lessons to demonstrate the principle of energy to children.
How it works at Home: Children watch the video and analyze together with their parent(s) the transformation and exchange of energy between the spirits. They learn the name of the ‘spirits’ and observe that the system only works, if energy is sustained by the sun and heat can escape to the environment.
Key data: The video is 5:14 minutes long and originally in German with English, Italian and Polish subtitles. Instructions for teachers/parents are provided; screening and discussing the video takes about 0,5-0,75 hours.
Watch the movie in English here and download the Italian and Polish version
See the narration text of the movie in English, Danish, Polish

3. Analysis of Models/Toys
What it is: Kids examine and compare different toys respective models, for example, a dynamo torch (crank flashlight), a windmill generator and a fuel cell model car (for older pupils), using the work sheet provided by FCHgo. Teachers also receive instructions for the lesson.
How it works at Home: Pupils explore each model together with their parents and describe how it works, before comparing the two models. They describe analogies and differences of processes that are going on in the two models.
Key data: The material comprises instructions for teachers and a worksheet for pupils. Models must be provided by schools. The model analysis takes about 1 hour.
Download the teacher/parents guide for this activity in English, German, Italian, Polish, French, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Turkish
Download the additional “how to do it at Home” guidelines in English and Italian
Download the toy work sheet for pupils for this activity in English, German, Italian, Polish

4. Energy playing cards
What it is: A set of playing cards to ‘play through’ energy chains in games of domino and speed. The set contains cards for every main energy carrier, including hydrogen. Every card displays a specific intensity to indicate the energy content of the carrier.
How it works at Home: Kids play different card games, e.g. domino or find the energy carrier, according to instructions and learn about the way energy carriers and exchangers are interconnected.
Key data: 15 energy carrier cards; introducing and playing with the cards is for 1 hour.
Download the playing cards in English, German, Italian, French, Romanian, Spanish, Turkish
Download the card game rules in English, German, Italian, Danish, Polish, French, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Turkish
Download the toy work sheet for pupils for this activity in English, German, Italian, Polish
CLASSES 6-8 (AGE 12-14)

1. The Apple story
For the material and instructions see above classes 3-5

2. The Perpetuum Mobile Video
For the materials and instructions see above classes 3-5

3. Analysis of Models/Toys
For the material and instructions see above classes 3-5

4. Energy playing cards
For the material and instructions see above classes 3-5

CLASSES 7-12 (AGE 13-17)

1. Introduction to Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology
What it is: For everyone interested in learning more about fuel cells and hydrogen, this comprehensive guide introduces the main principles of FCH technology, using simple language and pictures. The explanations exemplify the approach of FCHgo to teaching energy.
Key data: The document is about 30 pages.
Download the FCH introduction in English, German, Italian, Polish, French, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Turkish

2. The Perpetuum Mobile Video
For the materials and instructions see above classes 3-5

3. Analysis of Models/Toys
For materials and instructions see above classes 6-8

6. Videos (mostly in Italian)
How fuel cells work – Watch an animated presentation in English, Danish
Climate Change – Watch the video lesson ‘Effetto Serra’ in Italian and Polish
Alternative Energies – Watch the video lesson ‘Energie Alternative’ in Italian
Volta’s Pile – Watch the video lesson ‘Pila di Volta’ in Italian
Hydrogen Fuel Cells – Watch the video lesson ‘Celle all’idrogeno’ in Italian
Links for purchasing hydrogen model cars online: